Goods in the shopping cart: 1              
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    CB Radios 27MHz
              Mobile Radios
              Hand Portable
    PMR446 Radios
    Amateur Radios
              Hand Portable
    Professional Radios
    PoC radios
    Marine radios
    HAM Radio
    Bike Intercom
              CB car
              CB car w/magnet
              CB base
              VHF/UHF car
              VHF/UHF base
              Wide Band
              Magnetic mounts
              Power Supplies
              Voltage converters
              Power Amplifiers
              Earphones, headsets
              Carry cases
              DIN mounts
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How to buy?

Purchase products through “ELSI” internet shop

1. Where to find the goods?

You can find needed goods by opening, visiting our shop or calling our manager.

2. How to choose?

Use a search option on the the web-page. Product searching is possible by its name, manufacturer or a price. If you didn't find the product you were looking for, please get in touch with our manager, who helps you with the search. All prices are shown, taking into an account a value added tax (VAT=21%). Shipment cost is not included into the price.

3. How to add goods to your Shopping Cart?

By clicking the button “Buy”, located near the product image, you place one goods unit into the Shopping Cart.

4. How to buy?

Click on the “Shopping Cart” to check its contents. To remove a product from your Shopping Cart, go to the Shopping Cart and click the appropriate “Delete” button. To change the quantity of a particular item in the Shopping Cart, enter the desired number in the "Qty" column on and then click the “Refresh” button located at the bottom right of the Shopping Cart page. The item quantity and subtotal will be updated.
To complete the order you should fill in a form, where mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. Please pay attention to the accuracy of entered information (telephone number, e-mail, delivery address, payment method, etc.).
We will be grateful if you write the required delivery time, too. If all the information is filled in correctly, then click “Buy” button. The order will be sent to our manager. Then you should receive an automatic e-mail with the detailed information about the order. Upon receiving your order the manager will get in touch with you to clarify its details. Please do not transfer money until our manager confirms the order! The order is accepted after confirmation by our manager. You should receive a second message “Confirmed. Waiting for payment” and Invoice.

 5. How to pay for the order?

There are some ways how to pay for the goods and shipment:
- by cash in shop 
Latgales 443.
- by transferring money from an account if the delivery address is Riga or outside.
In “ELSI” company shop (
Latgales str. 443, off. 101, Riga) there is a possibility to make a payment using a bank card.
If you choose bank transfer as payment method, you should receive the Invoice by e-mail. Completing bank transfer please don’t forget to write the order number and date.

6. How to get the purchase?

You can pick up the goods at our shop or use the delivery services (more info in the “Delivery” section). Exact delivery time will be informed you by our manager. Please check the package contents before signing the accompanying documents.

Thank you for the purchase!

With best regards,
Yours “”






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